Cleaning chemicals:

Product nameInformations about product
ACTIVEToilets cleaner
ALU CLEANERAluminium cleaner with brightening effect
APCUniversal cleaner
CLIA/C installations cleaner
DEGREASERProduct for ovens, grills, fireplaces degreasing
DERUSTERProduct for rust removing
FLOORProduct for thoroghly floor cleaning
FLOOR DAILYDaily use floor cleaner
FRESHRefresher with unpleasant odour removing properties
GASTROGastronomical surfaces cleaner
LEATHER FOAMFoam for leather cleaning
RAPID NFCLow-foaming concentrate for machine cleaners
SCREENLCD, LED screens and glasses cleaner
SHINEGlass and mirrors cleaner
SHOWERShower cabins cleaner
TEXTILETextiles cleaner

Coatings and impregnates:

Product nameInformations about product
ANTIFOGAntifogging coating
CRYSTALEco-friendly hydrophobic coating for glass
GRANITEUniversal, oil-based impregnate for hard and smooth surfaces
GRANITE PROUniversal, oil-based, self-crosslinking impregnate for hard and smooth surfaces, chemical resistant
LEATHERCoating for leather, suede, nubuck
ONYXDurable hydrophobic coatign for glass and glazed ceramics wit anti-fingerprint effect
TITANHydrophobic coating for metal and plastic surfaces
VELVETHydrophobic coatings for textiles
WOODSIL PROHydrophobic coating for raw wood with outstanding durability

More informations you can find in our catalogs and presentations!